How Your Chakras Can Affect Your Mental, Spiritual, and Physical Well-Being
Sep 06, 2022Have you been feeling out of balance and can’t quite figure out why?
Maybe you feel out of sorts… tired… ungrounded.
Less vibrant than usual.
You’ve tried going to bed earlier and adding more vegetables to your meals.
But it hasn’t made a difference.
What if the issue isn’t an outer fix…
… what if it’s an energetic one?
Our chakras are part of a powerful energy system within our bodies that keep us healthy, happy, and thriving when they’re open and balanced.
When this system is out of alignment, it can affect every area of our lives.
Introduction to the Chakra System: What is it?
The Chakra system originates from the Hindu and Buddhist religions. The word “chakra” is Sanskrit and translates to "wheel" or "disk". The chakras are spheres or wheels of spiritual energy — this energy is also referred to as prana — that are located at specific points in the body.
The earliest writings of the chakras were found in the Vedas, which are the earliest known Sanskrit literary records that describe the philosophy of yoga. The exact age of the Vedas isn’t known, but they’re at least thousands of years old and estimated to have been written between 1,500 and 500 B.C.
Chakras contain very powerful healing energy, and the purpose of this energy is to keep us healthy, happy, and thriving. The health of our chakras can influence our physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual well-being.
Each chakra has its own distinct properties and corresponding emotions, locations, and influence on certain areas of the body — but they all work together as a complete system. So, if one chakra is out of balance, it can throw all the others out of alignment.
The human body thrives when the chakras are open and energy can move throughout the system freely. Any kind of disturbance or dis-ease in the body, mind, or spirit can create blockages or restrictions and cause a disruption to this free-flowing system.
What are the 7 Chakras and Where are They Located in Your Body?
Altogether, there are seven chakras. The first is located at the base of the spine and the last sits above the crown of the head.
The three lower chakras correlate to earthly and worldly matters like survival, intimacy, and power. The upper three chakras correlate to higher consciousness, truth, intuition, and our unique purpose.
The middle chakra — the heart — bridges the two worlds together with empathy, love, and compassion.
The locations in the body, associated colors and meaning of the 7 chakras are:
- Root chakra: Found at the bottom of the spine. This chakra influences our feelings of survival, self-sufficiency, safety, grounding, and stability in the physical world. Red is the color of the root chakra.
- Sacral chakra: Located below the navel. It influences our creativity, pleasures, and deepest desires. Orange is the color of the sacral chakra.
- Navel chakra: Found on the solar plexus — below the ribcage and above the belly button. This chakra influences our feelings of self-esteem, productivity, and confidence. Yellow is the color associated with the naval chakra.
- Heart chakra: Found at the heart center. It influences love, compassion, trust, and attachment. Green is the color of the heart chakra.
- Throat chakra: Positioned on the throat. This chakra promotes authenticity, and communication, and facilitates personal expression. Blue is the color of the throat chakra.
- Third eye chakra: Found between the eyebrows on the forehead. Where your intelligence, intuition, imagination, insight, and self-knowledge are held. Indigo is the color associated with the third eye chakra.
- Crown chakra: Found directly above the crown of the head. This chakra promotes spirituality, awareness, and enlightenment. Purple is the color of the crown chakra.
When these 7 chakras are open, aligned, and balanced, their energy is able to flow freely throughout our body — nourishing every part of our being as this powerful prana energy flows through each and every chakra.
How to Recognize Chakra Imbalances and What to Expect After a Chakra Healing
So… how do you know if a chakra is out of alignment or unhealthy?
Since our mind, body, soul, and spirit are deeply connected, being aware of any imbalances in one area — whether it’s through chakra meditation, reiki healing, yoga, crystal healing, sound healing, or other methods — is so important so that we’re able to bring things back into balance when it’s needed.
Some people can visualize the swirling energy of their chakras in their mind’s eye, or they can feel the movement of energy with their hands as they hover over their chakra centers. You may also feel warm or tingling sensations in your body or experience mental and emotional shifts.
To connect with this subtle energy, notice any sense of tension or disconnection in your body.
A chakra flow may feel overactive or underactive, deficient or shrunken, or large and powerfully bright.
Some people may sense an overly active chakra as feeling hot, with a lot of activity. A blocked or low-energy chakra may feel cold with very little movement. Whatever you sense is exactly right, and unique to your own body.
When balanced and aligned, a chakra’s flow can feel expansive and healthy. A healthy chakra system will have chakras that are bright and colorful, the same size as all the others, and have energy flowing at a nice and healthy speed.
When performing a chakra healing, it’s always a good idea to start with the root chakra. Within the root chakra, you can begin to explore the root of why you might be feeling unsafe, how you nourish yourself, your feelings of belonging, and your financial or family troubles.
Without that feeling of being grounded, stable, and safe, it can feel jarring to jump right to open up the third eye or crown chakras that correspond to intuition, divine connection, and a higher knowing.
From the root chakra, you can move up the spine to the next — sacral — chakra and from there, keep moving upwards.
You can help create healthier chakra energy with different chakra-based therapies, which can include:
- Ayurvedic medicine makes dietary and other lifestyle recommendations to create a balance in energy
- Yoga uses specific yoga positions that promote proper energy flow
- Meditation uses visualizations to help unblock any blocked chakras
- Reiki is a form of energy-based healing
Well-balanced chakras can help you feel relaxed, grounded, and centered, with a feeling of overall well-being, increased vitality, and embodiment of one’s true and authentic self.
Trust in this sense and in your intuitive perception. By doing this, you’re allowing in important information that can help bring greater balance to your life, by bringing your awareness to it.
How Balancing the Chakra System Can Help You Care for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit
Author of Anatomy of the Spirit, Carolyn Myss is an expert in energy medicine. She believes that “your biography becomes your biology — with each thought you think and each experience you encounter”. Meaning, that what we experience and what we think and feel becomes a part of us.
Chakras can store the energy of past and present thoughts, feelings, memories, and experiences. They can have a direct influence on our current and future mindset, behaviors, emotional health, and even our actions.
She believes that physical ailments can be remedied if the energies in our bodies are healthy, balanced, and flowing freely.
Chakra healing allows the energy force in each chakra to be processed and released so that we’re able to manifest what we want to be calling in, instead of staying stagnant and restricted.
Chakra healing is connecting with our own energy, and understanding how our past is impacting our present — so we can make the necessary changes to bring things back into balance. This energy can have a huge influence on our actions and behaviors, ultimately it can determine the quality of our health, careers, and relationships.
Our inner reality can help create our outer existence.
Carolyn Myss believes there are seven sacred truths you should live by to reach a balance between stability and health:
- All is One
- Honor One Another
- Honor Oneself
- Love is Divine Power
- Surrender Personal Will to Divine Will
- Seek Only the Truth
- Live in the Present Moment
This is the way I LOVE to try and work and be in my business and in my life ...
I constantly find myself in awe of the pure magic that opens up during my client sessions.
We get real, we go deep and transformational shifts begin happening immediately. I can literally FEEL the shifts in my clients' state... their energy, their confidence, their ability to see beyond their current frame, and the knowledge that they have everything they need right inside of them.
It lights me up!!
So if you’d like to start this transformational and collaborative healing journey — or want to learn more about chakra healing, I would LOVE to support you.
For a complimentary clarity call with me, click here.