How the Crown Chakra Enhances Our Connection to Spirit and Our Life’s Purpose
Oct 24, 2022What is the purpose of life?
To different people, it could mean many different things.
But I think we can all agree that one of our goals in life is to feel connected.
To each other, to spirit, to a greater meaning — whether that means God, the Universe, or any other source of a Higher Power.
We want to connect to and know ourselves.
To trust that we’ll know what our purpose is when we find it.
My purpose?
To help guide you on that path to connection.
Crown Chakra Meaning and Significance: What is it Responsible For?
Color: Violet or White
Element: Thought
The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and extends upwards beyond the physical body. The Sanskrit name for the crown chakra is ‘Sahasrara’ and translates to ‘thousand’ or 'infinite’. This chakra represents enlightenment, thought, and a connection to spirit — however you define it.
Associated with the element of thought, this chakra also represents universal consciousness, wisdom, unity, and self-knowledge. It’s the source of manifestation and our greatest gifts. The opening of this chakra allows a universal flow of energy and gives us the gift of enlightenment, consciousness, and connection to all that is.
It creates a strong connection to our higher selves, all the beings on the planet, divinity, and the energy of creation.
Gives you chills, right?
Now, what happens when this chakra is blocked?
Blocked vs Unblocked Crown Chakra
Since this chakra connects you to universal energy, when it’s blocked, feelings of isolation, disconnection, emotional distress, disillusionment, boredom, melancholy, and restlessness can occur. We may become cynical and selfish — struggling to find our purpose and meaning in life.
A blocked crown chakra may cause us to be stuck in our way of thinking. We might not be open to other ideas or other ways of being. We may experience dissociation from the body, feeling disconnected, and ungrounded.
When that happens, we may feel completely disconnected from spirit and our deep inner knowing. We may become interested only in materialistic pursuits and prize possessions and money over everything else.
This may leave us feeling lost, depressed, or anxious, and feeling abandoned by our higher power.
An imbalanced crown chakra can also look like:
- Apathy
- Spiritual addiction/hyper-spiritualization
- Lack of purpose/direction
- Poor coordination
- Imbalance
- Headaches
- Difficulty concentrating
- Brain fog
- Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
- Sensitivity to light and sounds
When the crown chakra is balanced, it helps open you to your soul so you’re able to perceive life from a more spiritual perspective.
It can bring a feeling of ease and create a more positive outlook on life as you feel connected to spirit — trusting in its guidance. Emotions like gratitude, compassion, and acceptance become second nature and you’re able to release any negative thoughts that bring you unhappiness or distress.
You may experience bliss, a feeling of infinite wisdom, spiritual growth, and peace. You’ll feel relaxed and clear-headed — helping you align your thoughts to your greater good to find purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.
By strengthening one's connection to their spirit — or soul, if you’d prefer — they gain a sense of unity and power. They begin to truly know themselves and are able to look beyond the material world with a clear perspective — connected to the deeper meaning of life.
A balanced crown chakra may make you more self-aware, kind, and empathetic. You feel more connected to everything around you. You recognize the deep and innate worth of everything and everyone — and feel constantly surrounded by pure and unconditional love — for them and yourself.
True opening of the Sahaswarachakra means that you realize that you are pure awareness and consciousness.
You’re enlightened.
So…. how do we get there?
I’ll tell you!
How to Balance and Unblock the Crown Chakra
Energetically, there’s a strong link between the crown chakra and the root chakra. The root chakra connects us with our physical needs, our foundation, and Mother Earth, while the crown chakra connects us to the spiritual energy of enlightenment.
If our fundamental and physical needs go unmet — it can be hard to focus on our spiritual needs. Knowing this, it’s important that all the lower chakras are open and balanced before we begin to work with the crown chakra.
Sit in Stillness
Using crystals or gems during this practice or in your space can help encourage positive energy. Gems and crystals that help open and align the crown chakra are amethyst, moonstone, selenite, and clear quartz.
Make time every day to sit in stillness and turn your focus inwards and:
Let go of expectations so you can allow the possibility for that which is unknown. Just allow whatever happens during this time to just be. You don’t reach a higher consciousness by fighting to get there.
Practice Silence
Practice sitting in silence to help enable spiritual awakening. This makes it easier to listen. No phone, no purposeful thoughts, no distractions.
Just you and spirit.
Making these practices a part of your everyday life can help create small moments of bliss and spiritual connection.
Negative thought patterns, beliefs, and attitudes can create blockages that separate you from your true and spiritual self.
These affirmations help promote an open and balanced crown chakra. Repeating these positive affirmations out loud or to yourself can cleanse this negative energy and create more positive thought patterns.
- The world is my greatest teacher
- I am guided by a higher power
- I connect easily with spirit
- I am pure light and unconditional love
- The powerful energy of the universe flows through me
- I am surrounded and protected by divine light
While repeating these affirmations, you might also burn incense or smudge sticks to help clear and focus your mind. Sage and palo santo are both good options, but it’s important to make sure they’re responsibly and ethically sourced!
Essential oils of frankincense, vetiver, and sandalwood are also helpful to encourage healthy crown chakra energy.
Practicing meditation, prayer, and silence every day can all lead to increased spiritual connection and awareness.
The lotus flower is a symbol in both Hindu and Buddhist traditions. It’s nurtured and grown in muddy waters — beauty from the darkness.
Not unlike when you meditate. You too, find beauty.
The mantra of the crown chakra is OM. Feel free to incorporate this mantra into your meditation practice.
Find yourself in a comfortable seated position. Take a few deep calming and cleansing breaths.
As you continue to breathe, bring your attention to your crown chakra. Imagine a white lotus flower spinning above your head.
See the petals of the lotus start to open. One by one, watch as each petal unfurls and spills a pure white light over the top of your head and into your crown chakra.
Imagine this light is your connection to the universe. Feel it illuminate and awaken your crown chakra as it activates your consciousness.
Visualize this light starting to move down your spine and spread throughout your whole body until every cell is full of this healing energy.
Sit in the warm glow of this light as it fills your entire being.
Feel your connection to the divine grow stronger and stronger. You feel love, and oneness within yourself, with the world, and beyond. You become one with existence.
Take a few breaths as you sit with this loving energy.
Stay here as long as you’d like.
Take three more deep breaths and gently begin to move your body. Open your eyes. Radiate loving energy as you continue your day in this newly awakened state.
Living Life Connected to Spirit and My Own Personal Purpose
Opening and healing your crown chakra is a wonderful way to reconnect to what has always been available to you.
To love.
To spirit.
To purpose.
Each and every chakra holds the energy of everything that’s most important in life. Each one is valuable, unique, and extraordinary.
But for me, this chakra is something really special.
Because my connection to spirit and something bigger than myself is EVERYTHING to me.
I tap into this connection throughout my day and trust that I am being guided each and every step of the way.
This connection reminds me of the light within me and the power of staying true to who I am.
It reminds me of how uniquely gifted and special every human is.
It reminds me that I am here for a purpose and that the world needs more healing, light, and joy.
When my crown chakra is open and healthy I know that anything is possible because I am deeply connected to spirit.
If you’re ready to begin your own awe-some, healing, wild, and wonderful journey, you can book a complimentary clarity call with me here. Let’s talk!